These pictures form the nucleus of a body of work commissioned by Down County Museum. The resulting exhibition Power of Place, currently on display in the Museum, captures the hidden beauty of the ecclesiastical heritage of County Down.
The pictures also form the background to a large format travelling exhibition In the Footsteps of St Patrick first displayed in the St Patrick Centre in Downpatrick. The aim of this exhibition is to explore some of the local sites, monuments and archaeological discoveries which are linked to the early missionary work of St Patrick and his followers, and to his Early Christian legacy in County Down.
Downpatrick High Cross
The intricately patterned Mourne granite cross, carved AD 900, is of historical, cultural and religious significance. Just before Easter 2014, damaged by centuries of exposure to the elements, it was removed from its commanding position in front of Down Cathedral and replaced by an exact replica. This photograph features the original cross before its removal.